美国华盛顿大学Marshall Brown教授学术报告会通知
报告题目:Keats's Nightingale from Below
时间: 2018年4月4日下午13:30-16:00
报告内容简介:Keats looks up, down, around, and outward, all the time thinking about himself. Boundaries become problematic, not least the boundary between this poem and the remainder Keats's 1820 volume, Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes and Other Poems." This talk will present a close reading of the ode in its published context, concluding with remarks about new impulses in the study of poetry.
报告人简介:Marshall Brown is a professor of comparative literature at University of Washington. He has written five books on European literature of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with special emphasis on the intersection of form with literary and cultural history. As editor since 1991 of Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History, he has promoted new directions in the study of literary history. He also works on music and literature; his latest book is a collection of previously published and new studies entitled ‘The Tooth that Nibbles at the Soul’: Essays on Music and Poetry. Two future books under way are How Do Poems Think? and The Romance of Real Life: On the Form of Nineteenth-Century Fiction. Prof. Brown has also edited the Romanticism volume of the Cambridge History of Literary Criticism and the European Romanticism section of the Longman Anthology of World Literature and has translated (with Jane K. Brown) The Linguistics of Lying and Other Essays by Harald Weinrich. He has served on numerous editorial boards and MLA division executive committees and has held fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the Deutsche Forschungsmeinschaft, and the Rockefeller Foundation.